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Main Works: Projects

Main Body of Works

An assembly of Genevieve Blanton's individual works

Main Works: Exhibitions


March 2022

SAK Bag is an everyday use bag with a fully functional Sexual Assault Forensic Kit, SAK. As of 2021 there were an estimated 400,000 untested assault kits held in storage country wide. Most states are handling this issue by setting up laws that allow them to throw away kits after 6 months tested or untested. In essence throwing away those individual's hope for justice. 

What If We Broke It?

May 2022

What If We Broke It? is a garment and performance piece. The jacket is designed to demonstrate the constraints placed on women to conform to social norms. The jacket shows the results of what can happen if women work together to break free of these norms. The shattered concrete rubble is the remnants of the social norms constraining the wearer. The chains will forever be sewn into the jacket as reminders of the pain these social norms have caused. 

Main Works: Exhibitions

Safe Place to Breathe

December 2021

Safe Place to Breathe is a performance-based project revolving around how women are told they must keep a perfect façade for the public. The semi-opaque outer dress represents the pretty and fake act many adorn to hide the chaos inside them. The inner bodysuit is teal representing the sexual assault awareness ribbon with a repeat pattern of intrusive thoughts many sexual assault victims have to deal with.

The Performance was a one-time site-specific piece. The audience entered into a room where I stood in the middle wearing the garment. During the performance, the audience entered into the world inside my head. They walked with me from my childhood home to my "safe place" at the park. Looking through my eyes, hearing the intrusive thoughts start to take over and overwhelm the senses. When they arrived at the swings I ripped off the outer garment, finally able to breathe.

Main Works: Exhibitions

Cocoon I &

Cocoon II

November 2021

Cocoon I has many people’s secrets and stories written in the cracked torso that carry pain or hold us back. Together we can shed the weight of these words and begin to move past them. The light emanating from inside the torso shows the beauty and strength that is always present inside of us. Through the process of healing, we ourselves will start to see this light.

Cocoon II is a representation of what is left behind when we start to grow and move past trauma. Two hands help rip away the tattered torso to help release us from the past. The torso is covered in the demons that we leave behind in the process. 

Main Works: Exhibitions

Wardrobe of a Modern Women

May 2021

Wardrobe of a Modern Woman was a garment and accompanying performance titled "The More You Know". This piece portrays the laws the US government has placed on a woman’s body and the ideology that women need these laws to protect them from themselves. The inner dress was a more traditional silhouette with an outer skirt created of various abortion laws in America. Each bill is annotated, denoting misnomers, misused words, and misleading phrases.

The first attempt of the performance was a video based off of 50’s housewife tutorials. The video is a female model getting ready while a male voice explains she is not ready until she knows the laws that rule over her body. He explains what abortion laws are and how they exist to protect the naive girl from herself. While the video plays out, hands reach in and disturb the girl.

Main Works: Exhibitions

Dressing Pretty

March 2021

Dressing Pretty was a garment designed to speak about domestic violence. The display of bruises and rips unveils the abuse the wears has endured in a way that cannot be covered or disguised. By switching back and forth discharge dye and fiber reactive dye I created a complex layered effect of colors to give the illusion of a bruise.

This garment is meant to speak on issues of domestic abuse and how many feel they have to hide the distress they experience. Women are expected to "put a brave face on", but the bruise will haunt them forever.

Main Works: Exhibitions
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